Untitled (297 x 210 mm)


  • To ensure quality, I only ever work from French and Spanish into English (my mother tongue).
  • When you entrust your documents to me for translation, you can rest assured that I will respect all your wishes and will deliver your translation by the agreed deadline.
  • I am proficient in the use of MemoQ computer-assisted translation software to assist me in my translation work, but I also believe strongly in the importance of the human touch so as to ensure a quality translation that conveys all the nuances of the source text. 
  • I believe that good communication is invaluable and will always contact you regarding any problems or queries.
  • I am an associate member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting and a number of its networks. I am also a member of the North West Translators’ Network, for which I serve on the committee and edit the monthly Update to members.
  • My CV is available on request.